Part 41: Goon Playthrough - Part 41

Oh, I believe you can accomplish anything if you want to.

Thanks for the confidence.

I look forward to meeting you again, then. I really need to go. Goodbye, Cinders. Have a nice night.

You too, Captain. Goodnight.

After two such wonderful days of freedom, it's depressing to know I need to go back to my ordinary life. There, out in the real world, I can meet amazing people, have actual friends. Here? I'm trapped between Carmosa's plots and her poor daughters' bitterness. Sometimes I wonder: what if I were to vanish in the woods, would anyone notice, or care?

Maybe that's the answer? Getting lost in the wilderness, befriending an uncivilised but noble tribe of rather short miners, becoming their princess... And spending the rest of my days being adored, praised and Oh, get a grip on yourself, Cinders!

Maybe it's going to be my wild card in this game. Sometimes I wonder if all families are like minebroken, conflicted and utterly unpleasant; or is it just a nobility thing?
Well, I mean...

My! My feet are begging for mercy. I must have walked a dozen miles today. Those were really good shoes I saw at the market. And pretty too. I sure could use new shoes like that. These old horrors are just a few steps away from falling apart and they blister my heels and ankles.
SHOES! Hey, at least you have some. That large townswoman probably doesn't.

Still, it was worth the effort. The good Captain, bless his honorable heart, seems genuinely interested in my humble person. And he seems like an interesting gentleman too. Looks really dashing in all those belts, I think. Besides, I always fancied scars and brooding disposition in a man...
I can understand being attracted to dudes with scars and broodypants, but belts? You're weird, Cinders.
Meanwhile at the Palace...

That I did. You came back a bit late tonight. Was there any trouble on your route?

Not at all, my Prince. Something has caught my attention.

You must be wondering why I wanted to see you at this hour. Surely you have guessed it must be about something important. I will have to ask you to make an important decision and I will not be expecting you to give me your answer right away.

My lord?

Let me explain, Perrault. As you know, we live in a time of transition, and my father's death changed many things. Being so close to our family, you are aware that the old King spent most of his days trying to compromise between extremes, a balance between order and freedom. With little success. Despite his best wishes, all his life he remained an autocrat. That is why it has been my wish, MY vision, to change the kingdom in such a way as to eliminate the need to compromise between freedom and order altogether. In other words, Perrault, I want reforms. But I am sure you know this.

This can't possibly go horribly wrong.

I see. This will not make you more popular among the nobles, sire.

If that's even possible!

You are not a king yet, my lord, and there's some unrest among the nobles. I wouldn't announce your plans just yetthey make you an easy target.

You already have it! You know I'd give my life serving the crown. I am your sword and shield, my lord!

Yes, yes, my friend. I know that. But these are a different kind of enemies I am going to face during my reign. I will be giving people more freedom, but that means taking away some of that old precious order. The nobles won't stand for it. They will want my head.

They wouldn't dare.

Of course not. That would give me a reason to ask for their heads! They will not do anything openly. Do you understand now what I speak of, Perrault?

So you want me to spy for you?

Champion? But it isn't an honorable war, it's a war of lies!

It is a war of discretion and intelligence, qualities I know you possess in abundance! Not to mention, loyalty.

Forgive me, my lord. I don't want to come across as naïve, I am simply not accustomed to all the subtleties of ruling. I'm surprised. What would you require of me in this new service?

You would have to spend more time at the court, that much is certain. Keep your eyes and ears open and, of course, socialize much more. You would have to trade those blades of yours for our exquisite white cold cutlery, I'm afraid. And maybe do something about this outfit. All those belts...

(You go too far, my liege!) I see. This is not exactly... This isn't

You don't have to decide right away. Also, you do have a choice. I am not a tyrant, after all. Should you choose to distance yourself from this lovely mess I am planning for the realm, you can leave your current service with honor and retire. Your patrolling duty is purely ceremonial nowadays, and the guards have their officers. As it is, your position at the court is a matter of empty traditionalism, nothing more.

Oh, I am certain there is some picturesque and lucrative strip of royal land left that I can make you a Count of. How about Middlehollow? Such a quaint little place. You deserve it.

(Quaint? Thanks, dick.) That simple? This is very surprising. It's strange... It's a strange thing to learn that you are not needed.

Rubbish, Perrault! The crown needs you, I need you! This is precisely why I am asking you to make your own decision. If I am to rule this realm, I have to learn to make difficult choices and this is my first: I am not ordering you to become the new Royal Master Spy. I am giving you a choice. Not only because I know that you wouldn't make a good agent serving me against your own will, but also because you are my friend, Perrault.

That will be enough, Captain. Let us not say things we will regret later.

Very well, my lord. Will this be all, my Prince?

Yes, Captain. Give my proposal some thought. I would have your answer within the next few days.
The next morning...

*yawn* What time is it?

Dawn already. And you need to get up right this instant

Dawn is not a reason to yell at someone. And I'm not sure it's reason enough to get up so abruptly either.

Two days without supervision and you've gotten lazy already. Where would you be on your own I wonder.

Oh yes, do come in and spill your venom on me... Is there any actual reason for me to wake up at this hour or is this just a social call on your part?

I like to think she shakes that fist whenever she makes this pose.

Okay, I'm sorry. And awake now. Would you please tell me what's going on?

Carmosa's back. She wants us to gather in the hall.

I'm wide awake and up now! You could have begun with that!

Well, now you know. She brought a large package with her and she looks like she means business, so hurry up.

She always looks like she means business. I wonder what's in the package though. What shape was it? Did it

If you didn't stand there, yell at me and stare, I would actually be in a position to get dressed.

Fine, I'm leaving. Just hurry up!

In her study. She said she didn't have time to wait for you forever. And you kept her waiting for quite some time.
Seriously, look at all those boxing wraps on her arms. It must take Cinders a while to get

Oh no, we wouldn't want Carmosa's magnificent plans to be foiled just because of Cinders' laziness, would we!

You might rethink your attitude. Mother wants to speak to you. I can't imagine how that is going to be a pleasant experience, considering.

She said she wants to speak to me? Why?!

Well, actually, she wants to speak to each of us. You're just supposed to go first.

Why would she want to speak to each of us? And why separately? I have a bad feeling about this.

Oh, stop complaining you two! And you should hurry up and go, Sophia. Unless you feel the need to make Mother angrier, of course.

*sigh* I'm going, I'm going.

If you did what you were supposed to, you wouldn't need to be nervous right now. Just a thought.

Of course! Because everything is fair and honest around here. And I certainly won't get blamed for things I have no control over.

I think you do enough on your own not to need any additional blame. Your constant rebelling should get most of Carmosa's attention.

And how will Carmosa have an idea about who rebelled and what 'rebelling' actually means, huh?

hahaha, okay.

And Sophia, she wouldn't just stab you in the back like that for no reason. Would she now?

Well, I certainly do not feel as safe as you describe.

Ok, so my sister might have an interesting idea of fun.

True. But I think we did start some sort of connection, albeit weak.

I'm not sure yet, but I certainly hope it's permanent, not some ploy to lower my awareness. I liked the feeling of having a sister.

Oh, I'm so glad you say that. And I am happy that you and Sophia get along. Actually, I'm happy she is getting along with anyone.

Happy? Why? You hardly ever talk to her yourself!

The fact I don't have a good connection with her doesn't mean I can't care. I do wish for her to be happy. I'm glad she's finally able to make friends.

I had no idea you cared so much. You're full of surprises.

I was just asking, but fine.

Let's just wait for Sophia to come out and see what she has to say.

Well, it's not like we have many alternatives. I hate waiting.

This shouldn't take long. Carmosa is not someone to beat around the bush.

True, she's always to the point. No excuses, no diversions. No mercy.

*sigh* Let's just wait.

Aren't you happy to see me? I'm fine, sorry to disappoint you girls.

So what was the talk about?

You'll find out soon enough. It's your turn and I wouldn't keep Mother waiting if I were you.

Alright, I'm off. Wish me luck.

You might need it. So good luck, sister.

Good luck.

Carmosa swoops down on you like a hawk and submits you to great physical torture and tests your endurance. At one point she took this long needle and

Lovely. Thanks for that image, sis.

You did get a little pale. But honestly, you'll be fine.

So it wasn't that bad?

Oh, don't get me wrong, it was no pleasure either. And Carmosa hatched a plan that will make me lose a lot of sleep till it's all over.

Oh no. You need to be properly surprised when you hear it from Carmosa. That will prove I did not utter a word. But you don't need to worry too much. Only Gloria and I get to fail Carmosa and her ridiculously high expectations this time. As far as I know, you will not be involved.

I never thought I'd be happy to hear that someone forgot about me.

Then let me add to your joy. I forgot about you and your little escapades when I recounted to Carmosa what happened during her absence. So you should be fine. I wonder what Gloria will tell. Aren't you worried?
Aww. She does care.

I'm not sure. She seemed alright when we talked. Maybe a bit unsettled.

I know my sister. She doesn't show emotion until Mother orders her to do it. But on the inside she was raging. I think she might spill some of that into Mother's ears.

You've either lost your mind or forgotten what Mother is capable of. Nothing is worth what she'll come up with to make you regret your actions.

We'll just have to wait and see, won't we?

What do you mean?

Well. Was it, I don't know, unpleasant?

Of course not. Why would it be? It was just a normal conversation.

Normal for you, perhaps.

Come on, Gloria, I can tell it wasn't that smooth.

Stop being so nosy! And start asking proper questions. Did Carmosa tell you about her plans?

In fact, she did.

Sophia, please.

Shush now, Cinders. So what do you think of Mother's latest great plot? You would think she had learned not to expect the impossible of us. Or anything big, really.

And maybe it's time to live up to her expectations? You are a grown-up now, Sophia. It's time for you to work on managing your responsibilities.

You're hopeless and stupid! Some of us are simply not built for greatness.

You must speak plainly. I'm too stupid to understand complex sentences.

So what are Carmosa's plans exactly?

Oh, I'm sure she'll explain everything in a moment. Now hurry, don't keep her waiting. You know how angry she gets when someone's late.

Oh yes. I feel like this is going to be quite an adventure. And I'm about to enter the beast's lair.

Yes, I did. Come in and close the door. I'd like you to explain something to me. I've just asked my daughters about what happened during my absence andto my surpriseI've got two conflicting descriptions. Could you please explain to me how you DID spend the last two days?

I visited friends in town, and did some things I planned to do. You could say I took two days off.

So I have heard. I am still wondering as to the nature of the liberties you took when I wasn't here to direct you. I certainly hope you did not do anything foolish. However, one of my daughters assured me that you're much too level-headed to make a mistake like that.

She did?

Yes, I also thought it was unusual of her. So, I'm letting this slip. But enough about this. This isn't the topic I wanted to speak to you about. It has to do with my plans for our family.

Any royal business is important of course, but this particular ball will be very important even for His Royal Highness. It means very careful preparations. What matters here is that the Ball is very near and there is little time left. It means that I will be expecting our entire family, and I do mean ALL of us, to give their best. By which I mean complete obedience. No questions. No dramas. No nonsense. This is much too important an event to be spoilt in such a silly way.

Very well. And what is my part in this plan, then? Will I be going to the Ball as well, member of our family that I am?

I see. Then what is my arena, Ma'am?

Why the house of course! If everything goes smoothly, the Ball should mark the point of our family coming back into high society. And that means one thing: guests. We will need combined effort to make the residence spotless. But your role in this will be crucial.

I see, my lady. Would you also like me to hide in the wardrobe or pretend I'm a statue when the guests come? Or maybe being a statue would pose too much of a competition for your charming and intelligent daughters?
RAWR! One-two, one-two! Put those wraps to use, killer!

I put much time and effort into creating this opportunity for MY daughters. I will not let them be upstaged by anyone. You may play all sanctimonious with me now, but either now or in ten years you'll understand my perspective. And you will agree with my decision. Also, I don't see a single reason to yield to your complaints, if all I get from you is recklessness and childish moods. Start supporting the family, and maybe the family will do the same for you.

You like to refer to all of us as family, but only if it means I have to do something.

Don't get melodramatic, girl. You sound like a bad novel. Even if I wanted to, I wouldn't be able to prepare three young ladies for the ball organised by the future king.